The Concord Consortium - Revolutionary digital learning

SensorConnector for macOS

First-Time Procedure

Download, Install, Run and Test

SensorConnector Interface
  1. Download and install the macOS SensorConnector software.
    Note: If using PASCO sensors and running OS 10.14 or earlier OS versions, install this 32-bit version of the software.
  2. Plug a probe into your computer and run SensorConnector. (Go to your computer’s Applications folder and click the SensorConnector icon.)

    When SensorConnector is running, a Concord Consortium lightbulb icon will appear on the top menu bar (figure 1). Click and hold the icon for a menu to show or hide a status dialog box of connected probes, or to exit SensorConnector (figure 2).
  3. To test if SensorConnector is working, use the interface below for data collection (probes required).

Sensor Connector Web Interface

Try embedding the sensor interactive in CODAP, our free online data analysis platform.

Daily Procedure

Just Run SensorConnector (or Don't)

Before working on Concord Consortium probe-based activities, simply run SensorConnector. If SensorConnector is not running when the probe page is loaded, a pop-up dialog from your browser will appear asking permission to run SensorConnector. Either allow SensorConnector to run from this dialog, or start it manually.


The SensorConnector supports up to two probes simultaneously. When using two probes they must be connected through an interface such as the Vernier LabQuest or the PASCO PowerLink. Data from one probe at a time may be collected from probes that plug directly into the computer, such as GoMotion, Go!Link or UsbLink probes.

Two probes must be connected through an interface.
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